Why Websites (Part 1) - 5 things you need to know before creating your website

Website is a very common term in the present world. Right from the .com revolution of the silicon valleys to the present day to day life, website in one way or the other play a vital role. If in the 90’s, having a website was a big brand mileage to companies, today it has become a cliche. Now is the time when you need to think beyond just having a website, but how to pull your audience, increase your brand mileage and make your business process more simplified using this tool.


There are 5 things you need to know before taking up a decision to create your own websites.

  1. Right Application

Right Application:

You need to well in advance aware of where your website is going to help you out. You should not create a website for the sake of it. It is not worth it. When you plan for a website, you should first check to the kind of customers you have. Certain businesses have customers or clients who would never go online, check a website but rather prefer some physical papers. Brochures and Catalogues are always better for these people rather than creating a website. Even if you want to create one, make sure you have a link to download your catalogue so that it would make it easier for you to ask your clients to download it from websites rather than emailing them. For those people who have international clientele where your experience is calculated based on your websites, beware. You should probably invest more money, time and energy to design one. It is equally important for you to maintain the website with regular updates so that the people referring to it would understand that you are serious about your online presence, so as in your business too. Even for the middle category where they have clients who check to their websites but never really validate their business standard using the website, you should think it in a different manner. An average statistics says that a startup business owner dedicates 60% of his/her time to explain the concept and another 10% time to prove the brand and portfolio. With a website you can probably save 40-50% of your time used for explaining your business. There are 3 category of business in terms of a website.

  1. One that depends on a website like e-commerce industry
  2. One that get valued by a website like any company with an international clientele
  3. One which can be used just a medium to download your marketing materials and save your time in showcasing portfolios.

Before thinking of the website, a person should first think of which category they want their website or online business to be. The first category includes E-Commerce platforms, Classifieds Websites, Event Schedulers, and other businesses which depend on websites for their invoicing, billing and other day to day functioning.

The Second category of websites as I explained earlier are the Brand-Centric websites. Here the content and images have a bigger role to play. They have to be prepared and presented in a very professional and neat way.

There is still a fourth category which needs to be mentioned,

  1. Self Branding Websites

This is the section where personal blogs, training websites etc belong.

I shall be discussing more about this first category and the next 4 perspectives you need to know before taking a step towards your website building in my forthcoming posts. Do be in touch with this space for more such posts.



Comments 2

  1. Interested to know about websites

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