First lesson in human life.

The first thing a child does once it comes out of its mothers womb is CRYING. it does so because it is dependent. yes, the child is dependent on everyone around it for every single thing. and the way it conveys is through its only known language, CRY. but when the child grows and becomes as what we say independent, why is he/she still crying at one time or other.
This tells us the basic principle of life.. DEPENDENCY. we are all dependent on one another. RELATION matters a lot in this world. the child after growing old still cries because it is dependent and is bound by some relations..

Comments 4

  1. It’s true. Every people in world, having a different DEPENDENCY among them.

  2. In ur website one cannot fix an appointment with you…very bad….he he he

    • Appointments can be freezed only based on my free timings which I shall be uploading in few days.

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