Analysing People – Now, that’s never been this Easy

When you are about to attend a session, you obviously will be pumped up. When the speaker is been invited by you, it would be double good. And when the speaker is a person whom you consider as one of your own mentors? Wow. That is the experience I had today morning when Mr.Shanmugam of


A Crocodile always instils a kind of fear in us. But, is it really fear? Seeing a crocodile never makes us as afraid as seeing a tiger or a snake. So, it can be rephrased as insecurity rather than fear. To articulate it short, a crocodile instils insecurity to people. But it’s still majestic and

Smart Businessing

I had a call from the college i did my UG before 2 days. It was the current department HOD of Computer Science. She informed me that the principal of the college has been changed and the new principal is none other than the HOD of my department when i studied there. The call was